At Reigate School the safety and wellbeing of our children is our highest priority.

Together with providing exceptional pastoral care, we are proactive in ensuring all children have the information and knowledge to keep themselves safe at school, online and they know how to communicate any concerns they have personally or about others.

All staff and children are aware of which members of staff make up the Safeguarding team and know the procedures in place to raise any concerns.

  • The Designated Safeguarding Lead for Child Protection and Safeguarding and the Single Point of Access for Prevent is Mrs S. Jethwa
  • The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mr M. Alexander (Headteacher)
  • The safeguarding team can be contacted either by telephone on 01737 243166 or via email

The school follows the requirements and guidance of the Surrey Safeguarding Children Partnership which includes the Continuum of Support for children and families living in Surrey framework. In addition, the school works in accordance with the following Government documents:


Working Together To Safeguard Children 2023

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Online Safety Policy

Behaviour and Rewards Policy


If you have any concerns regarding the safety of a child or young person in our school and it is during school hours, please ensure you report this immediately by asking to speak to a member of the Safeguarding Team.

If your concern is of the immediate harm of a child outside of school hours, please report this to the police on 999 or use the Emergency Duty Team Children Services number on 01483 517898.

If a parent/carer requires support for their child or family they can contact Surrey Children’s Services directly on 0300 470 9100.