Homework is an integral part of children’ learning experiences. The purpose of homework is to:
• Consolidate, reinforce or learn knowledge & skills prior to the following lesson.
• Develop children’s independent learning & revision skills to support progress in all subjects.
• Develop an effective partnership between the school, parents and other carers in pursuing the academic aims of the school and the development of their child.
Setting and monitoring homework
The school uses the Show My Homework app to outline homework set. There is a link to Show My Homework on the homepage of this website. This is updated daily by teachers. Children and parents are encouraged to download the homework app onto their phones or desktops, which will provide push notifications and reminders about new homework set & deadlines.
All teachers will be expected to set homework using Show My Homework and will indicate on SIMS if the homework has not been completed. Parents will receive a notification from INSIGHT if homework is not completed.
Show My Homework will be used by SLT & Heads of Department to ensure homework is consistently set according to departmental homework guidance. Each department’s guidance is published below to guide parents in supporting children with their homework.
Year 7 Homework
Year 7s have a phased introduction to homework.
Term |
Subjects |
Autumn Term 1
(until October half term) |
English, Maths, Science |
Autumn Term 2
(October half term to Christmas) |
English, Maths, Science, RE, Humanities, MFL |
Spring Term/Summer Term |
All subjects set homework as per departmental guidance. This is also available on homework policy. |
Departmental Homework Guidance
Creative Arts
Design and Technology
Food Technology
Enterprise and Marketing
Physical Education
Religious Education