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Greensand Multi-Academy Trust is a small group of great local schools in the Surrey area, who have been working together since 2017.
Children will camp overnight during the Practice and Assessed Expedition. Please see attachments for details of drop off and pick up. If there are any changes to these dates Parents/Carers will be notified by text or e-mail and asked to check the school website for details. Further guidance on The Duke of Edinburgh Awards and the Expedition part of the Award can be found below. If you require hard copies of any of the documents below please see Mr Brown.
Duke of Edinburgh Website
BXM Expeditions Website
Kit List
How to complete the 3 sections of your DofE
Volunteering Opportunities
Reigate School Pendleton Road Reigate Surrey RH2 7NT
01737 243166 info@reigate-school.surrey.sch.uk
Mr M Alexander - Headteacher Mrs S Jethwa – Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr B Hamblin - Chair of Governors
Mr C Baston - Deputy Headteacher
Mrs J Stokes - SENCo
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